Sunday, April 11, 2010

More than just a server? ( A shout out to you Marilyn)

I have decided that this blog is no longer strictly going to be about just serving and waiting but also the journey of becoming more than just a server who is waiting. I have had a few friends and followers ask me why I don't write more often and about more than just the stories of Ned's. And I have given it a lot of thought and come to the conclusion that I can continue to keep the blog called "Serving and Waiting" as long as I incorporate the journey of going after my dreams and the stories along the way. So I will do just that. Thanks Marilyn for pushing me and encouraging me to do more with my writing. Forgive me for taking FOREVER to write anything. I will make you hold me accountable to stay more frequent. This is my goal for everyone to see and hold me accountable. Please call me out if I don't follow through, which Marilyn, I know you will. Haha