Sunday, March 15, 2009

People Have Issues Part- Deuce

So, if you remember from my "People have issues" post, I mentioned this really miserable old-fart couple and told you how the man yelled at me. Well, he came back today and yelled at me AGAIN! I purposely made the other server take the table and told her that I absolutely could not take them because I might lose my cool. Let me paint the picture. So, it was a busy Sunday morning and I was SLAMMED(extremely busy)! I walked by the delightful old couple and pretended as if they were not even there when I heard someone yell "Will you shut the door?" I thought to myself, "I know this dude is not talking to me" and  I continued about my business as if I never heard that last remark. Then the man yells this same order again and this time there is no mistaking who he is speaking to. The man is yelling at me. So I decided to ignore it and instead, I  asked the bus boy (who just opened it) if it was ok that I shut the door. This time the man yells "Oh for gods sake just shut the door!" Let me just tell you it took everything in me not to throw him off the pier and feed him to the fishes! What a complete piece of work this guy is. It is sad in all that this couple is just completely miserable but I am no longer going to tolerate this crap. Not from ANYONE! Mark my words, if this happens again, this guy's ass is grass. That is all. Have a good day.

Who needs integrity anyways?

So, I was sitting at a bar eating soup at lazy dog the other day and (ironically I was sick as a dog), stressed about all the school I've missed due to my recent bout with Bronchitis and I was thinking to myself, what do I write my blog about? Just when I said out loud to my friend Hope who was accompanying me "Ahhh I have no ideas!!!," I looked over across the bar and noticed this older man making out with this young girl. I mean at first I thought he was kissing his daughter. Then I took a closer look and realize, hey that guy is my long time regular customer at Ned's, how ironic......maybe I should go say hi to him. So I got up from my chair and began to walk over to him when I noticed him give me a shocked look, a look of someone who was definitely not happy to see me. It then dawned on me that the young girl was definitely not his lovely wife(who is also my regular) and this girl is DEFINITELY not his daughter. I quickly flipped a 180 and took my place back at the bar. When  got back to my seat I told my friend, Hope, about the situation and we both were just trying not to stare and pretend like it's no big thing. I mean this is a man who I have waited on every single week for the past three years, I really thought he loved his wife. They always seem so cute together and they share a meal every time. What a bummer. Bottom-line, how the hell am I going to smile at him and his wife and just act like I don't know that her husband is a complete sleez-ball? People have no integrity. Why would you get married and waste someone else's time and life if you're just going to break your vows? I mean, what's the point? Just be single for goodness sake!!!! Just buy a Porsche, get some hair plugs, a gym membership and date women who sees you as a credit card. Serving them biscuits and gravy is never going to be the same again. I hope he gets caught and his wife meets a hot man half her age!!! Or maybe, just someone with a little INTEGRITY!