Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Cal State Fullerton after dark-a column

Hey Y'all, I know this has nothing to do with serving and waiting but again, bear with me. It is a column I wrote in my opinion writing class about CSUF at night. Our teacher chose this topic and this was my first attempt of ever writing a column. As it turns out, I got a 99 out of 100 points possible. Who would have guessed? Especially because the topic is damn boring. Anyways, here it is. Enjoy.

I am here in College park’s cozy Nutwood Café sipping my chai tea, just after seven on a Monday evening. Prior to my being in the café I wandered aimlessly around campus trying to get a taste of what goes on after dark here at CSUF.  And I will tell you what I have discovered:  Not a thing.  There was absolutely nothing going on so I decided to hit up good old Nutwood Café for my usual cup of tea.  

Monday evenings here at CSUF sure are empty and calm. The younger (and much louder) crowd seems to not be here and I like that.  Some may call me boring for preferring the empty and calm over the loud and lively but I’m left wondering, aren’t we here for our education anyway?  I mean, how are you supposed to learn with all that noise?


Speaking of noise, as I’m sitting here in the café, these two ladies are discussing their wedding plans in my left ear and the Lakers game is blaring in my right ear. I really want to catch the Lakers game; after all, this is game five of the playoffs.  And I’m wondering if the “Lake-show” is going to live up to its expectations? Or is Utah going to give them a run for their money?  Either way, the Jazz won’t be going to the finals. The Lakers own that spot.

Now that I have decided that there is not much going at CSUF this evening, I am convinced that this is where the action is. Right here in Nutwood Café, watching the playoffs and drinking my chai tea. This is the life.  The only thing that is interfering with my contentment are these wedding- crazed women to my left. They are talking so damn loud and it’s not like there’s any other seats for me to move to.


I feel like I am in a theatre watching two different movies at the same time, and there’s no wall separating them.  This is what my movie sounds like:

Ladies in my left ear:

“Yeah, that’s what I was telling James he should do about the suit. He should definitely just spend the money and buy one. I mean, otherwise the rental might not even fit him right and he’s going to spend a fortune either way.”


Lakers game to my right: (different random dudes commenting on the game)

“Shit Kobe, what the hell do they feed you?  Wheaties maybe?”

“Ahahaha, too bad LaBron is a better athlete.”

“Yeah right dude, Kobe is the best athlete in the NBA hands down.”

“Nope, LaBron is a better athlete. He’s a house. Kobe is overrated.”


Ladies in my left ear:

“ I really don’t like James ‘s mother. Between you and me, I think she’s a neurotic bitch.  And if she thinks she’ll be watching her grandkids she’s insane.”

“Hey, what do you think of purple and green for my wedding colors?  Don’t you think that would be a pretty flower arrangement?”

Lady, I could care less about your flower arrangements and your purple and green colors. In fact, the only colors I care about are purple and gold now shut the hell up so I can hear the game!  This is what I feel like saying to the two wedding crashers to my left.

I instead sip my chai tea and go to my happy place, the one that doesn’t involve women discussing their weddings. And when I come back to reality, they are gone. Yes! They are finally leaving. Too bad the game is pretty much over.

The Lakers manage to eliminate the Jazz from finals 107-96. No surprise there. This season the Lakers are by far the best team in the NBA and that makes for a boring season. Just about as boring as a Monday evening here at CSUF.

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