Monday, February 2, 2009


This blog is going to be about my experiences as a server at a small breakfast restaurant on a Southern California Beach pier. I have been serving for about seven years and in the restaurant business for about eight. Serving, although it puts me through college, is so looked down upon by many and that is where I will tie in the ignorance of the many  customers I meet. I am not planning on making serving a lifelong career but for the meantime, it gets me through college and pays the rent therefore, I have the last laugh. And the truth of the matter is that customers for the most part are clueless. I am not saying this to be mean but it's just that simple. Day in and day out I am exposed to some of the most random pieces of work (and you'll see what I'm talking about in future posts) on the planet and it lets me know just how strange the average person really is.

This where I explain the title of my blog, "Serving and Waiting." The first part of the title is pretty self explanatory. I am a server and I am literally serving people. Waiting is another term for "serving" yet it also is symbolic for the customers who are "waiting" to be served. It is funny to me how we all have the same objective in common, I am "waiting" to get paid and move on to another more promising future, and I am "waiting" for these people to eat their food, pay up and go on with their happy little day. Yet they (the customers) are waiting to be served, eat, pay and leave. Now I'm not saying that every customer I get is some weirdo. A lot of these people are die-hard regulars and in some cases even my friends. And out of all the restaurants I've worked at, this place is by far the best and most rewarding (believe it or not). Enough stuff goes on at that place where it could actually be a television show or a book.

So this blog doesn't sound repetitive (which it won't, I promise you), I'll be throwing in the fact that I am someone who isn't always aware of my surroundings, therefore a klutz who really has no business serving food. I'm a danger to both myself and those around me.. No joke. I wish I was kidding, but unfortunately I'm not. Most of my clumsiness that I'll write about will sound unbelievable (maybe way out there) but I swear it's all true.

So, with all that being said, I welcome you to take part in the journey I call my life.

1 comment:

  1. I would love to see a picture of this place. Can you post one, maybe a pix of your own, or one you can download from the restaurant's web site...
