Saturday, February 28, 2009

People have issues...

So you all know by now that I am a server..... a server who is waiting to get the heck out of the restaurant biz. Especially after today. With that being said, I actually love my job 90% of the time and I am thankful for my job and all that jazz but sometimes you are reminded just how crazy some people are. I mean I flat-out had to put two different customer's in their place today. Usually this would cause your boss-man to send you packing but today, my boss had my back. Now that I got that off my chest, let me explain. So I am at work and I am telling the new waitress about this god-awful old couple that came in and are just flat-out off the charts grumpy. They never smile, they never act friendly to me or each other, for that matter. In fact, they act as if they hate each other and life all together. Of course, after I give her the 4-1-1 on them, they roll in and sit right in my section. This couple by the way, has brought other past servers to tears and they've even been asked not to come back. They can't take a hint, obviously. So today, I decide a different approach, I try the overly cheerful and ridiculously friendly approach(normally I keep it real) and they weren't picking up the bait. Instead the man fussed about how small his table was and asked if he could sit in another table. I told him we were on a wait and that table was for someone on the wait list. I apologized sincerely and he said "well what about that table"(a dirty table), so I said I would check with the bus boys and see if anyone was waiting for it. As I went to ask them, the old man raised his hand and yelled at me across the room " Hey, I'm hungry are you ever just going to come over here and take my order"? I need to eat now! Hurry it up"! Oh no he didn't. I felt the blood boil in my body and it took everything in me not to tell him to get the hell out. Instead I yelled right back "you just asked me to check for you and that's what I am doing, if you're hungry than why did you ask for a different table in the first place'? Then the dude had the nerve to say "don't talk to me that way". My response..."I could say the same for you" Now what can I get for you, since "you're so hungry"?. I still cant get over why people act this way to server's. I mean seriously who died and made them Jesus? It really trips me out that so many people are this ignorant and unhappy. My advice to people like this.. Stay home and keep your negativity in your own kitchen. If you are miserable, it is no one elses job to make you satisfied, that is one's own responsibility. You are not entitled to a bigger, nicer seat, you are never entitled to anything. Go see a shrink people or go to McDonald's for christ sake.

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